Hello! It's been a while, but I'm still alive and kickin'. I'm not exactly sure why I've been so silent on the blog. I blame life and all of the business, but I have missed sitting here and feeling my fingertips write away on my computer.
Life...has been busy, rewarding, heartbreaking and full of joy all at the same time. However, I never dreamed that God would have blessed me as much as he has. I wake up alive each day, I'm able to kiss the man of my dreams before drifting off to sleep each night and we have two great kids.
I'm loving that my husband is in ministry. I absolutely love our church. Not long ago I had someone ask me "do you actually love your church as much as you say you do?" I said, I actually love it and it's actually my favorite place to be. I love the people, the worship songs and the feeling of the holy spirit when I enter the doors. I love being with him late at night cutting things for children's ministry and the moments when we're picking each others brains for new activities!
We recently began teaching a class called "The Art of Marriage" on Wednesday evenings. We have said over and over...5 years ago if someone told us that we were going to be teaching a marriage class we would have laughed!! We have definitely had our trials, but we're thankful for how God has brought us through difficult times. I love each couple that has attended and learning about what has worked for them.
My kids are doing amazing in school and in life. Addison recently got her braces off and her teeth look soooo good! Both of them are excelling in school and this is definitely an answered prayer. Both kids have been uninterested in learning and I am so thankful that they are both finally beginning to have a love of learning. This is something that we have prayed about over and over!
This pretty much sums up life lately. Hoping to get back on the blogging train!!