To my friends who are pictured here and those whos pictures I did not have room for...I am so thankful to have you in my life! xoxo
I still remember the day. I was a young 20 something who was married with a toddler, who had finally gotten down for a nap. I was on top of the world. I quickly jumped on social media to do a quick scroll and that is where my heart instantly sunk. My "friends" or the people who I thought were my closest friends had all gotten together for dinner the night prior. As I scanned the faces the hot tears came to my eyes and quickly streamed down my face. I had been uninvited and forgotten about once again.
Looking back, I can think of a hundred different reasons as to why I was uninvited in that season in my life. My life was so much different than theirs in those days. I chose a different path of life. I chose to get married at the young age of 20, trading dance clubs for cook books and home decorating. I also chose to move an hour away from our home town and also having a baby at the age of 23 when many of my friends were not even married yet. But in that moment, the sting of being uninvited stung and aside from my husband and chubby cheeked baby, I felt alone.
I desired for true genuine friendship. Not the kind where I felt that I was constantly begging someone to have dinner with me. I desired people in my life who wanted to rejoice with me in times of excitement and weep with me during times of sorrow. I wanted to lift people up when they were down and celebrate with them during times of excitement...or even for surviving a Monday!
While the tears were still rolling off of my face, I began to pray for friends. True, genuine friendship. I also prayed for a mentor, someone aside from my mother who was a generation older who would point me to Christ and who would also pray for me (I also specifically asked for someone who enjoyed shopping and I'm here to tell you that God was showing off when He answered this request!)
My friends did not appear overnight. The outings and invitations did not come before the next weekend, but I continued to pray that God would bless me with friendships. I knew that God did not want me to be alone. I also knew that if He put the desire of friendship on my heart that He would bless me with friends in His timing. God does not want us to be alone on this road called life. He wants us to have people in our lives who point us to Christ and to help us when life gets tough.
By yourself you're unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Ecclesiastes 4:12 MSG
One by one...God began to answer my requests. I still remember some of the first outings that I was invited on. I would mark the day on my calendar and circle it in red. Change clothes 2 or 3 times for an evening coffee gathering. I was so excited that people actually wanted to spend time with ME!!
I know that finding friends and a Godly mentor was not by coincidence. God put sweet friendships into my life for a purpose. I treasure the friendships that I have and I pray that they will continuously progress to exalt Him and His glory. God put divine people into my life for "such a time as this" (Esther 4:14 ) to accomplish His will and purpose. The divine friendships have lifted me up during times of need, brought me joy and happiness. I have also been blessed when I have been able to bless a friend with the gift of my presence or during a time of need.
Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone. Ephesians 1:12 MSG