I walked into the first day of middle school with my childhood BFF, she thought that my white short overalls were awesome! I walked out of my last day of middle school, with completely different people, my childhood BFF was no where to be found. I remember the pain that I felt when I realized that my childhood BFF and I were going different directions in our lives.
To my middle school girlfriends, I miss you. I miss that you taught me to be brave enough to ask the boy to dance, I miss writing you notes and taking longer to fold the note than to actually write it. I miss getting excited about your Birthday and taking an hour to pick out your $10 gift from Wal Mart, because it had to be perfect. I miss thinking that you were the coolest girl on earth! I miss having you there to lift me up after my first heartbreak, I miss having you by my side to have my back when I stand up for myself and I miss having you encourage me to try new things! Because even when we're older, we still need to try new things once in a while!
I remember staying on the phone for hours talking to my middle school girlfriends (on 3 way) about the perfect outfit to wear on my first day of high school. I remember sitting beside you in that huge auditorium during freshman orientation. Did I even get a picture of you at graduation? I remember feeling hurt when you chose your boyfriend over me. I had (secretly) wanted you to break up and come running back to me. I waited and waited, but sometimes high school sweethearts actually stay together for better or for worse. In the end, I couldn't be happier for you, I'm glad that you avoided the heartbreak of break up's and that you got the guy of your dreams!
To my high school girlfriends, I miss you! I miss being brave and being the first person to ride in your car! I miss late nights of pizza, football games, concerts and staying out way too late. I miss our conversations about what we were going to do when we were older. There are moments with you that I still hold in my heart! I miss you, I miss the memories that we shared. I miss the person that I was when I was around you...a fun girl! A girl that had no worries other than zits, curfews and Biology.
I was thrilled when I got the shiny diamond on my finger! I couldn't wait to call you! I was thrilled when you went with me to shop for my wedding gown and you agreed to stand beside me on my wedding day. I probably would have treasured the moments a little longer, if I had known that this would have been the last day that we would "hang out". I remember blowing you a kiss as I rode away for my honeymoon, and then moved to the city. Weeks became months, months became years...and one day I bumped into you when I visited family in our hometown. Everything was awkward...you were with your new friends. I felt a slight sting as we hugged goodbye in the coffee shop. I am so thankful that technology has progressed and I can see your beautiful kids on Facebook. I love reconnecting with you when we occasionally bump into each other at a 5 year old's Birthday party. Who knew that my biggest social events would ever be at Chuck E Cheese's when I'm 33??
To my adult girlfriends....I probably miss you the most! I miss the days when we would sit for hours and sip coffee. Discussing everything from stain removers, marriage problems and the thrill of new blessings on the way! I still see you. I see you at soccer practice, I see you at the PTA meeting, I see you at church, but sadly we do not connect. We have light conversation "Have a lovely week." "Hope that the baby feels better." "Let me know if you need anything." We always say that we will get together soon! However, it always seems that something happens...work happens, an extra soccer practice occurs, the baby gets sick, family comes in unexpectedly. Life happens! We always say that we miss each other, but I truly miss you. I miss having someone to connect with. I miss having someone to listen to me when I'm wondering if I'm doing this parenting thing right, I miss sharing tears with you after the disappointments in my life. I miss being there for you! I miss knowing what is going on in your life, I miss caring for you. I miss bringing you a meal when everyone in your home has snot coming out of every orifice of their bodies. I miss having someone who needs me and I need you too!
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