Several people have asked me lately how I manage to have a quiet time routine and / or "why do you always carry that pink notebook around?" So...I thought to answer both questions effectively, a blog post would be best!
Being that I am a working mom, with a 45 minute commute each day while being married to a bi vocational Children's minister, finding the time to have a quiet time routine is not only challenging...but essential! I would best describe my quiet time routine to be...creative!
A few of you are probably scratching your head right now. Probably thinking "how in the world?" "What does she mean essential...I think that her plate is too full to add in a quiet time." However, when I do not have my daily quiet time (or at least every other day quiet time), my day is in shambles. I find that I am easily agitated, short with those around me and generally unhappy. My quiet time gives me time to read my Bible and to reflect on what God is whispering to me. It also gives me strength for the coming day and a calming attitude.
On a perfect day (which happens probably 4 out of 7 days per week) I rise up by 5:45 AM at the latest, Bible, devotional and journal (the pink notebook that I carry around) in hand and walk to the living room with my favorite fleece blanket wrapped around me to my favorite chair or even outside to the porch swing to watch the sun rise. Sometimes, I stay in bed underneath the warm covers with our lamp on the nightstand on. I read a passage in my devotional (I just finished Drawing the Circle by Mark Batterson). I am currently doing "Experiencing God" by Henry T. Blackaby (a devotional that my husband has encouraged me to do for years). I generally expand my reading of the scripture in the Bible (usually The Message version) and then I journal. My journal entries vary. Sometimes they are simply lists of praises, confession of sin and requests. Other times, my journal entries include scripture verses, paragraphs of needs that I have in my life and some are stained with tears.
My journal does travel with me in my purse on most days. Sometimes, I find myself longing to talk to God throughout the day, so I may find myself in my car on my lunch break writing my prayers and needs to God. Sometimes, I will run across someone who has asked me to pray for them and I want to jot their name down, so that it is not forgotten. Other times, I may run across some inspirational quote or scripture that needs to be jotted down. My journal is a mess, with no consistency and various shades of ink (and maybe some crayon writings). However, to me it is beautiful. It is filled with hard days and days of praise where my prayers were answered and glimpses of faith and trust of answered prayers to come.
It is not necessary to journal. I find that I enjoy writing in my journal because I can look back and see the answered prayers that have occurred and the many times where God pulled me through. I also enjoy writing in my journal because sometimes when I am praying silently, my mind starts to wonder off...I can be balancing the check book or even organizing the pantry.
Some days, it is much easier to hit the snooze button 57 times instead of getting up to spend my quite moments with God. Sometimes, I am distracted first thing by the vibration of a cell phone and my quiet time does not happen when I first wake up. I am not proud of these days, but I am human. On these days, I find that I am rushed and I often do a quick devotion on a great app called "First 5". There is nothing wrong with this great app. However, I often feel that I can get easily distracted by reading my short 5 minute devotional with the pop ups of email, Facebook and banking alerts.
Sometimes, we as humans are distracted during our quiet times with things that aren't "bad things". Such as doing the laundry, packing lunches and doing a nightly work out. None of these things are bad, but it keeps us from doing the best thing -- Spending precious moments with God! Sometimes, when it is necessary to do these things (because your children cannot go to school with dirty clothes and no lunch) I normally put my ear buds into my phone and listen to a pod cast. Some of my favorites are New Spring Church in Greenville, SC or Curtis Jones of Bayou City Fellowship. Funny story -- one Friday evening my husband knew that I was having a bad start to my weekend when I came home from the office, went straight to the shower and instead of singing in the shower or listening to music, I was listening to a pod cast sermon....for 45 minutes!
I also find that I have quiet time in my car on the way to the office by listening to praise and worship music and sometimes by listening to inspirational speakers. I love this cd that I got at a women's retreat last Spring. You can order yours here. On this CD you can listen to 10 minute encouraging messages from Lifeway Women. I have laughed and cried with these speakers on my way into the office.
I also encourage my children to get into the habit of doing a daily quiet time. I love having a family devotional time each evening to get into the Bible and to also practice our scripture memorization. Unfortunately, this does not happen each night, but we strive to make it part of our nightly routine.
Whatever you do to honor God with your quiet time, he will respect and welcome you with open arms. God desires to know you on a deeper level and to have a daily relationship with you. When you have a quiet time with God, you get to know him in a more intimate level. When you express your thoughts, fears and worries to the creator of the universe I believe that he smiles at you and welcomes you to His throne!
**If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at! **
I loved how you described your journal "...a mess, with no consistency and various shades of ink" It made me think of my situation right now and how it is important to see it as beautiful filled with blessings,instead of missing God in it all & just complaining about it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment Elizabeth! I have learned that each season is a gift from God. No matter how challenging or how difficult. Even though it is hard to be thankful for everything during each season, I feel that God blesses the seasons when we are thankful.