Monday, January 9, 2017

Motivational Monday: Clemson Receiver Artavis Scott

As a Mom of little people, I am constantly looking for positive role models for them.

We are a football lovin' family.  We love to be at the game, wearing our orange and pulling for our Clemson Tigers.

More than that, we love Jesus.  We love directing our kids toward Jesus and showing them why they should run to Him with all of their hearts.

Months ago, I heard the testimony of Clemson Receiver, Artavis Scott.  I do not want to take away anything from his story, so I would encourage you to watch this three minute video that was made possible by NewSpring Church in SC.  Please click the link below to watch it.

I am so thankful for Artavis for many reasons.  I am thankful that he turned from his past, admitted his wrongdoings and ran towards Jesus with his entire heart.  I am also thankful that he is so willing to share his testimony.  

While writing this post, I read an article written by the Tampa Bay Times on Artavis and discovered  that he graduated Clemson in 3 years!  Not only that, he was the first person in his family to go to college.  Huge!

You can read the entire article here

So, tonight when our Tigers take the field with the Elephants we will yell Go Tigers!  But we will also be cheering for Artavis, who grew up 20 minutes away from the Buccaneer's stadium (where they were playing), but also said that you only played in the Buccaneer's stadium if you were good.
My friend Artavis, you are good.  You are good enough to play in the Buccaneer's stadium and you are good enough for Jesus.

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10

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