There are so many women who encourage me, speak wisdom and love into my soul. These women model the scripture found in Titus 2:3-5 and they make me want to run towards the love of the Father. I have decided to begin to share about the inspiration that they bring into my life, so that we may all be able to take the bits of wisdom that they contribute to this often dark world and bring light to it.
Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. Titus 2:3-5

I remember the first time that I saw "Mrs. Debbie" as I affectionately call her. We had just begun attending the church that we were considering joining and we were invited to our Pastor's home for "Life Group". I had never attended a "Life Group" , I had attended Sunday School, worship service , Bible Fellowship Group and Training Union back in the day, but "Life Group" was a new term in my vocabulary. Anyway, there was Mrs. Debbie, climbing out of her sporty red Volvo wearing leopard printed pants. I looked at my children in the back seat and said "Please , please , please be on your best behavior and please don't embarrass your Dad and I!" Thankfully, our Pastor also has kids and "gets it" and the kids were immediately rushed upstairs and we did not see them for the rest of the evening until we had to pry them down.
Little did I know, that God had a plan in store for me and the lady who loves the color red. I had prayed many many prayers for older women who would speak love and wisdom into my life. My mother is awesome and amazing, but I needed an outsider per se. Someone who also loves Jesus, her husband and encourages me to continue to love Jesus in the hard and difficult times of my life.
We met at our Pastor's home for 6 weeks and her husband, Jim quickly bonded with my husband. Spunky began going to their home for monthly meetings of what I call "The Big Burly Men's Club". It's really not a club, but I know that my husband would refuse to drive my VW to these meetings and insisted on driving his truck and wearing boots. He would come home later smelling of campfire smoke and with a big smile on his face. Jim was able to draw him in with his tales of playing in the NFL and his hunting stories. Apparently, this "No Girls allowed club" is actually a blessing and an outreach to men. Once per month Jim welcomes men of all walks of life to his fancy bonfire pit where they roast meat, fellowship, and encourage each other in their walks with Christ.
At the end of our six week life group, I began to admire the wisdom that Debbie spoke into my life. She immediately began to encourage me as I struggled with being a working mother and trying to make time for a quiet time. She told me of the days that she was a widow when her daughter was 6 years old and how she continued to pursue God's love even with her husband being gone.
Years later, she remarried Jim and their love and continued attraction for each other inspires me to continue to choose to love my husband. Even during the hard times, even in the times when I do not even feel like liking my husband. My husband was created for me, by God and I have to love him regardless.
One Sunday morning, I came into our new life group asking for prayer for a trip to see my mother in law. My relationship with my mother in law has always been challenging and I have always carried the weight of it on my shoulders. Debbie spoke wisdom into my life when she said that I needed to pray for my mother in law without ceasing and to not give up on her. She told me stories from her past when she also struggled to be accepted with her in laws and how after she prayed for them, the wall began to crumble. I too, began to pray for my mother in law without ceasing and I quickly saw the wall crumble. I had a wonderful trip to see my mother in law and the blessing was receiving almost daily text messages from Debbie encouraging me.
Debbie continues to inspire me and speak words of wisdom into my life. Recently we met for coffee and she encouraged me again to pray without ceasing over everything in my life. She encouraged me while I am raising a female tween and to watch God changing her during this season. She reminded me that God is with me always and he brings reminders like sunflowers along my path to let me see his presence. When we are in his word, we see his presence in our lives.
As I grow, I want to encourage younger women like the scripture in Titus 2. Debbie is a true blessing in my life and I pray that God will continue to work through her to bless others. I love you Mrs. Debbie and I am so thankful to have you in my life!