Personal note:
I have been humbled over the past several days after all of the sweet positive comments about my last blog post. I can't thank you enough for taking your time to read my posts, share them and to go out of your way to comment. Thank you for bringing joy to my life this past week. I will continue to blog if you will continue to read! Be blessed!
As I reflect over all of the pictures on my phone from this past weekend, I realized that it was busier than I remembered! Although, it was filled with sweet friends, Birthday celebrations and more smiles than tears!
On Friday evening we dropped Addison off to a Birthday sleepover for her friend Ella. Finn was disappointed that it was a girls only party, so we were down a kid for the evening. He had asked several times to play putt putt, so we went to the coolest place in our little town. He was impressed with the blue water and the pirate ship! Afterwards, we played a few arcade games and I won him a stuffed animal!

On Saturday, a local organization hosted a Free Kids Fishing Day, so we knew that Finn would love it! We had to get up super early for a Saturday though (something that is HARD for me to do), but we did it! Sadly, he didn't catch anything but he still had a great time! We ran into a sweet family from our church and their kids were the first ones there and they caught several fish. The early bird really does get the worm!

On Saturday afternoon, we picked up our sweet friend Kaci and went to the pool. You can see those dark skies and see that we didn't do hardly any swimming. Nevertheless, the kids made the best of it and played in the rain, played ball and ate a picnic lunch !
On Sunday, we went to church and it was amazing!! I took pictures, but they were too blurry to post. My husband is the Associate Children's Minister at our church and while it is a lot of work, we both love serving the kids and their families! I taught the grade school kids on Sunday and we had an awesome time! We even went outside to play a fun water game!

On Sunday afternoon, Finn had a Birthday party to attend at Chuck E Cheese. Spunky volunteered to take Finn and it gave Addison and I some sweet time together. Even if all we did was venture to Aldi to get groceries and to Target ! It was still fun to have some girl time while it lasted!

I really enjoyed the evening after we got home this evening. I have felt like each evening has been a bit muggy or completely rainy. So, I really enjoyed my time with the kids outside tonight.
I have been struggling to get through every day. Our vacation is coming up really soon and I am just so excited!! Addison and Finn remind me each evening when I get home how many days closer we are. I am trying to enjoy each day as it is and try not to focus that it's not coming fast enough!
And don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God's place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. Corinthians 7:17a The Messasge
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