It was a very bad day... a Monday nonetheless.
A Monday, that my husband had off with the kids, but I was at the office (in a really bad mood). I'm not sure what exactly set this day off so bad to begin with, but it was something along the lines of the alarm clock didn't go off, and I ran out of the house without a kiss from my husband or my beloved coffee. So, I was at the office stewing over all of my problems with a major caffeine withdrawl headache. Even though my husband (people call him "Spunky"'s a long story that I'll get around to at some point) was clearly not to blame for all of today's problems, somehow I felt that he was to blame.
During my lunch break, my mood did not improve. I still blamed "Spunky" for the problems of my day. During our lunch break phone call, he admitted that his to do list for the day had not been started. THAT my friends was the icing on the cake! I calmly hung up the phone and said goodbye.
My friends, I wish that I could have been calm, cool and collective. However, all of the problems of the day continued to stew in my mind. Around mid afternoon, I couldn't take it any more. I felt that my husband needed a "come to Jesus meeting" via text message. I went to my phone and my fingers flew as I typed out sentance after sentace blaming my husband for every problem in my life since we were married in 2003.
After work, I looked at my phone and found no response from "Spunky". Who generally replies to text messages quickly (especially if they are in all caps). Interesting.... I started on my 40 minute commute down the interstate waiting his daily 5:15 phone call to me. Nothing....the entire commute! "Well, I guess I showed him" I thought to myself as I continued to drive with my Nickleback CD blaring (that's what I play LOUDLY when I am so mad that my nostrils flare).
I parked my car in the garage and heard the innocent laughter of my 2 babes okay, so my heart was softened a teeny bit. I stormed up the stairs, opened the door and was greeted with a huge hug and kiss from my husband. I could hear the soft music playing in our home, the table was set with a lovely dinner ready to be eaten, fresh flowers were placed on my large farm table. The house smelled of fresh flowers, bleach and looked beautiful.
I was so taken back...."Hey, I said....I was really speechless. Wow... Did you get my text message earlier?" Spunky's eyes grew wide "Oh, you sent me a text? No, I'm sorry. I've been so busy, that I haven't looked at my phone. Did you need something?" "No....nothing I mumbled." As I went to drop my things off in my room and to wash for dinner, I noticed my husband's cell phone. As I swiped the screen, I noticed that my text message was indeed....unread.
Grace. Grace my friends, was at my home that August evening. Did I deserve this gourmet dinner, a sparkly, shiny, clean home? Nope. Absolutely not! From my actions on that Monday, I didn't even deserve to eat dinner.
Grace is getting what we simply do not all!
Jesus is the author of grace. John 3:16 states that he died for our sins. Jesus, perfect Jesus died on a cross. Jesus took the blame of all of the world's sins, suffered and died so that we don't have to spend an eternity in hell. All we have to do to receive his grace, is give him our lives.
If you're not sure how to do this, all you have to do is to ask him into your heart. Pray with me :
Sweet Jesus. I love you, I know that I am a sinner. I am coming and asking you to come into my heart this day and to please forgive me of all of my sins. I want to spend eternity with you in heaven. Amen
If you prayed that prayer, please email me. I would LOVE to talk with you and help you along the way. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me as well.
Until next time...
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