I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus.
1 Corinthians 1:4
This is a difficult post to write. I have struggled with the decision to even post what I am about to say. However, ultimately I want this blog to be a journal for my family to read in the future and also a witnessing tool. Please know, as I write this tears are streaming down my face with gratitude for you.
Only people who are truly close to me know that my family and I have been going through a challenging time since December. I do not want to go into details of the situation, but know that it has been a huge challenge. The "situation" has caused so much pain, tears and sleepless nights. Which has resulted in lots and Lots and LOTS of stress on my marriage among other things....
God won! We prayed, he answered and HE is getting the victory!!!!
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:11-13
Was this "situation" stressful? YOU betcha!
However, I have learned so SO much through these past few months.
Why couldn't God have had me learn this in a different way? God needed to get my attention! God got my attention by putting me in this situation and thus, I cried out to him.
God also needed to test my faith.
I know how great this makes you feel, even though you have to put up with every kind of aggravation in the meantime. Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proved genuine. When Jesus wraps this all up, it's your faith, not your gold, that God will have on display as evidence of his victory.
1 Peter 6-9 The Message
God also needed to "prune" me. When pruning, God cuts dead out of us, so that other areas of our life can thrive. God cut out my desire for nightly tv and facebook time, thus turning those areas into time to journal and read his word. (I still have tv and facebook time, but not as much as in the past). I learned that I am more stressed when I am consumed by facebook, and when I am stressed I need to bring it to The Father.
I have learned first and foremost to put my faith and trust in God....he's got me all of the time. My relationship with Christ has flourished over these past few months. I remember when all of this started in December, I was unnerved one Sunday evening. Stressed out beyond measure. All I could do is sit and cry. During my tears, I heard God's voice saying "Call out to me". So, I sat down and got my journal out, I wrote and wrote pages full...over the next few days we got pieces of the puzzle. I knew after that week that everything would eventually turn out okay, but it still wasn't over.
I have also learned not to let situations become a "joy thief". This situation has unnerved me to the core, however I am blessed with SO much. First of all, Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins, I have a husband who loves me, 2 healthy children, an awesome church, amazing parents and an awesome sister. I am too blessed to be stressed and I do not need to be unjoyful during challenging times. My joy affects others around me.
I have also had to learn to accept things from others-- this has been hard for me. I LOVE helping other people. However, it's different being on the receiving end. There are several people that I want to thank for your support during the past few months.
To my parents--who listened and taught me that God is bigger than any problem.
To my sister--who prayed, genuinely cared and listened to me sob for over an hour that Thursday night.
To my new friend A at church with the tall black boots-- Thank you for leading my small group, thank you for reading my email on that Wednesday during my lunch break and for responding with the words that God put on your heart. Thank you for praying for me, encouraging me and passing my request to your prayer warriors.
To my "coffee girls"-- Even though you did not know the very details of this situation, thank you for giving me an outlet every other week. Thank you for giving me something to look forward to. Thank you for listening to me, crying with me and laughing with me. I know that God has blessed me with you for many different reasons. Please know that I am here for you whenever you may need me.
To my friend at church who was standing in the lobby on "that" Sunday--Thank you for giving me that big hug, telling me that you have been there too. Thank you for allowing me to cry on your shoulder. Thank you for sharing your son's toys with my son--they provided an afternoon of laughter and tension relief in my home. Thank you for the special text that you sent me later that afternoon, your kindness will never be forgotten.
To the men that prayed with my husband on "that" Wednesday evening-- Thank you! My husband came home and told me that everything was going to be okay. My husband needs Godly men in his life and I appreciate you.
To the girl that was walking down the hall of my office and asked me if I was okay--Thank you! When you spoke to me on that day, emotion clogged my throat. I know that you saw the tears come to my eyes as I pushed the x-ray button. In part, I felt guilty when you told me with a cheery "I'm praying"! For I know that you have many problems as well. I felt your prayers that day friend. Friend, please know that I dearly love you. You are such a precious child of God and please please allow me to pray for you. I will do anything in my power for you. You, my friend are a blessing in my life.
To the sweet sweet lady who was standing at the computer "that" morning--Thank you for your sweet agape gifts that you secretly placed for me. Thank you for praying for me. I felt your prayers. Thank you for being a light of Christ in my life. As I told you before, "you never know where you're planting seeds". Thank you for listening to God's still voice. Please know that you asked me to pray for you as well & I still am. I am honored to pray for you.
To my friend who gives me hand me downs-- Thank you for clothing my son...and now my daughter. When you gave me those hand me downs that day, it was such a blessing! You clothe my kids....how can I ever repay you? Trying on hand me downs that evening provided joy in my home and my daughter was thrilled to have new pj's to wear to the special event at school, because her mother was so stressed out that she forgot to purchase new one's on her lunch break. How blessed we were when you provided fun new jammies....just in time. I've always heard that God's never late, seldom early, but he arrives....just in time! Thank you for allowing God to work through you to bless me.
To my older lady friend who said that she's been there-- I don't even know how I could ever repay you for our conversations and that you noticed the need that my husband and I have. You my friend, are just what I needed on that Friday. Thank you for allowing God to work through you to bless my husband and I. I know that your blessing will bless others and our children. Your sweet blessing overflows. We cannot wait until November!
To my small group leader on Sunday mornings--Thank you for stopping our Galations series on that Sunday to do a lesson titled "What to do When God is Silent"--WOW!! You will never know how much I needed that, that week. For it was only the week before that I screamed at God "Do you even see me down here?" He did, and I received a bread crumb size puzzle piece that day--and it was enough! Thank you for saying "sometimes when God is silent, he is testing us". I do hope and pray that I passed the test!
To my friend "D" who emails me--Thank you for your sweet words, they encourage me. Thank you for being a part of my life. You are such a blessing to me and I am so thankful that our paths in life have crossed!
To those of you who read this blog--Thank you for reading each post. Thank you for praying for me and telling me that you enjoy the blog. It is a blessing to me to see that my bit of rambleness can bless your life.
Love you friends!
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