Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday Funnies

Enjoy these Friday funnies!  

P.SA.: If you're a lady over 35...or er...29, please empty your bladder (or secure your Depends) prior to watching!

A joyful heart is good medicine.

Proverbs 17:22

Sunday, July 17, 2016

How Did I Get Here?

Disclaimer...This has been one of the hardest blog posts that I have ever written.  Leaving our "old church" was one of the hardest decisions that I have ever had to make. I have laid awake in my bed for many nights, trying to put the words together for this post. I did not want to write this.  However, I continued to feel God urging me to write this.  Much love and thanks for reading!

It was Sunday and I got out of my car with my coffee cup in hand and I was greeted by our friend Mr. R on his golf cart in our church parking lot.  This is one of the many things that my children loved about our church.  Being rode into church on the golf cart.  As I noticed the beautiful sunshine and how it reflected off of the mountains, I immediately thought "God is so good" and I reflected the many changes that have taken place over the past year.

A year ago on this Sunday, we were still in church.  However, it wasn't the right church for us.  It was for a season, but like seasons...they change.  We loved our little country church that we actively went to for over 8 years.  We worshiped with family, it was not uncommon for a cousin, grandparent or aunt or uncle to be the Sunday School teacher of my children.  It was also a common sight to see little ones being rocked to sleep of a family member, or someone as close as family in the church choir.  The small country church was full of love. Our pastor loved his congregation, often times you would see a group gathered at our pastor's home to split and stack wood for the winter months.  We would also frequently gather at the soup kitchen to serve those who were less than fortunate. So, you may ask...why did you leave a church filled with such love and harmony?

To be honest, I'm not quite sure myself.  However, I do know that like puzzle pieces that sometimes get warped when my children have played with them too long, they get warped.  They have a hard time being put back together.  The puzzle piece of my family started not to fit quite right.  We still felt love, we were still being fed the gospel, but we wanted more of something and things started to feel like they didn't fit just quite right anymore.

I remember the Sunday that my husband suggested that we visit the church not far from our home.  I had quickly dismissed this suggestion many many times because "they watch the church on a screen, how is that any different than enjoying the service from the comfort of my living room?"  He would always shrug his shoulders and walk away.  However, on this Sunday I didn't dismiss his suggestion.  I only said "okay, we can try it, but if F gets upset walking into his classroom, I'm leaving."  My husband agreed and off we a different church.

We drove up the big hill and found a parking spot and quickly a lady in capri pants ran out  to greet us...hugging us!  We received other numerous hugs and warm smiles as we walked into the door.  You could feel love and I felt my anxiety of a "different church" leaving my body.  We escorted A to her kids classroom where she found numerous other children around her age playing games and a teacher, Mrs. P gathering materials to teach the group of children.  She warmly introduced herself and Addison began being immersed in the activities that were provided.  We told her goodbye, but she didn't even turn around to hear us as she began to make new friends.

Then it was off to F's classroom.  He ran right in!  I think that they had him with the play dough. He ran right up, took a seat and he was sucked in as well.  His teacher warmly smiled and promised to find us if he needed us.  I looked at my husband as we walked down the hallway to the sanctuary and we both agreed that in all of the years that we have been in church, our son has NEVER just walked into a strange classroom without wailing for us to stay with him.

We were warmly welcomed in the sanctuary.  We loved the contemporary worship music and all of the young families that began to trickle into the sanctuary.  People our age. We quickly stood and began to clap our hands to the music and I even began to cry at how powerful I could feel the love of God in the sanctuary.

For years, my husband and I have wanted to feel accepted and to have friends around our age.  We occasionally were invited to cook outs, but other than people that we met at work, we didn't have many people that we could call up and ask to "hang out".    While we had a few people in our lives that we could do this.  We longed to sit in a small group with others our age and receive Godly advice, wisdom from the older generation who has been in our shoes. We also longed for our children to have a community of friends and activities for them while my husband and I could worship and not have to worry if my children decided that it was time to go during the middle of a worship service.  I could slowly see where we would fit into this church...

As the service began, it was so powerful that I quickly forgot that I was watching it on a screen.  Especially when the pastor at this church stood at the end to speak.  I shed many many tears that day.  It had been a long time since I had experienced the love of God so powerfully in my life.

As the week went on, I received a phone call from the pastor and cards from two people telling me how much they enjoyed me how much they enjoyed meeting me and that my children were well behaved....whoa!

I was dreading the next Sunday.  I didn't want to leave our old country church, but this new church was so intriguing.  My daughter asked numerous times during the week if we could "go to the new church."  She loved all of the other children in her class.  My husband admitted that he loved the service and that he would like to attend at least once again.  I agreed with him.

A year later, I will admit that leaving our "old church" was very very difficult.  It was hard to leave people that I have grown close to over an 8 year period.  However, looking back I knew that in the months prior to leaving that I felt that something was missing from my life.  I wanted to grow in knowledge  and see God's love in my life.  I wanted a community of other people that I could call on if needed and I wanted people that needed me as well.  I have found that in my church.   I can see my children growing up with their church friends.  That's not something that I could have received from watching the service on tv...

We received a community!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

I will not be shaken...

As I sat and watched the late night news to watch the horrific events unfold in Dallas, Orlando, Nice, Paris and so many other places across the world, I grieved like so many.  I hurt for families that would learn that their loved one would not be coming home that evening.  I grieved for friends and colleagues who would learn that there would be an empty seat in their office or at their next gathering.  I also grieved for my children, because our world doesn't seem as safe as it did 20 years ago.

As my husband and I sat and discussed these events and how they unfolded, we quickly made comments about how to keep our children safer, we must shield them more....we will not go out of the country right now...we will consider getting our concealed weapons training... and the thought of private school and a home security system were on the list as well.  Not that any of these thoughts were a bad thing.  However we came to the conclusion that no matter what we did....


I love those who love me; those who look for me find me. Proverbs 8:17 MSG

I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have the power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.  Ephesians 3:17

I love my children more than life itself.  I love how they come into my room on a Saturday morning and drift back to sleep.  I love seeing their little eyes close and their precious mouths opened with their heads rested on my chest.  I love seeing them laugh and play in my back yard with lightning bugs dancing around them.  I love my children and I love being their mother.  However, I know that I can't always protect them. I have to rely on my Heavenly Father who has greater plans for them.  God has greater plans for my two precious children than I could ever imagine; and I know that he will use them for their good and his glory.

I know what I'm doing.  I have it all planned out- plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.  Jeremiah 29:11 MSG

God can do anything, you know- far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Ephesians 3:20-21 MSG

I know that it is difficult not to worry about our children and their future.  However, during those times of fear I have to understand that fear does not come from God.  God is all things good and pure.  I have to trust God's ultimate plan for my children's life, pray that God will protect us and cherish each moment that I have with them.

Do not worry about anything; instead pray about everything.  Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done.  Philippians 4:6

Every good and perfect gift is from above. James 1:17

It is the Lord who goes before you.  He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8