Monday, October 30, 2017

God + ? = Happiness

Disclaimer: This blog post forced me to be a little more open and honest than I like to be.  Nevertheless, I am choosing to share this because I always feel that sharing a little more, being a little more open and honest can only help someone. Lead someone to Jesus. This post has been one of the most difficult ones to write.  Praying for you as you read.

I experienced a break through last week, as I was driving into the office. 
I routinely listen to podcasts on the way into the office and New Spring Church in SC is one of my favorites.  The new series "Slaying the Giants" has been amazing and I have had my heart pricked each week, but this week was huge. Here is the link to last weeks podcast:
Until last Tuesday, most of my thoughts when I first woke up began like this "Oh heavenly Father, here I am again.  I'm doing the same thing that I was doing yesterday.  I'm not happy about it, but this is apparently what you want me to do. God, I know that you have the ability to change all of this.  But, here I go. Please bless today."

I would then go about my day, striving to see Jesus. Living each day on the edge of my seat, striving for God to pick me up and place me in a more desirable place in my life.  To place me in the place of my hearts desire.  Each day, I would come home a little more bitter than the day before.  A little more angry that God did not come through in the way that I thought that He should have (like I know anything). A little grumpier.  My house began to feel more divided because Mommy looked like a porcupine and if anyone got too close her quills may stick you. I was living my life comparing it to others around me and a fictitious picture of what I felt like my life should look like.

So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

I began to realize that I was not living like God was enough for me. I was discontent. I began to realize that I was living my life like a Math equation. God + ? = Happiness
If God came through the way that I thought that He should, I would be happy.  If He did not come through, I would be bitter, upset and feeling unloved. I made a list in my journal of all of the lies that Satan has been whispering in my ears.

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The truth is, I could have all of these things and still be unhappy. The only thing that I can be fulfilled with is a true intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.  Through Christ, I have more than all that I need.  What God wants me to do is to embrace this season that He has planted me in. To live in this season and to flourish. Not to compare my failures with the success of others.  Not to compare my possessions with the possessions of others.  Comparing only brings discontentment and Jesus wants more for me.

"I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of." John 10:10

Comparison does not give me "better life" like He speaks about in His word.  God wants me to live freely, not worried about what others and what I do not have.  I have faith that He will take care of me and He knows exactly what I need, when I need it.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.  Hebrews 11:1

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. Romans 8:28 MSG

Friday, October 27, 2017

Friday Favorites 10/27/17 Spooky Edition....

Hi everyone!! Happy Halloween to you and yours!! I love Halloween!! I love dressing my kids in their costumes and letting them carry their adorable Halloween buckets!! I know that everyone does not believe the same way that I do about Halloween, but I like this quote that I heard on the radio in regards to celebrating Halloween best "People give out free candy, just like the love of's free and you should take it!"

To sum up my feelings about Halloween, I would like to share this article from Focus on the Family.  My family and I have a few rules about Halloween:
#1. Have fun
#2. Share Your Candy
#3. No super scary costumes (Devil, anything that contains blood, organs or violence)

With that being said, it's on to my Halloween Favorites for 2017....

Favorite Pumpkins...

Creative Halloween Crafts for Kids to Make - Crafty Morning

I adore white pumpkins!!! Melted crayons on pumpkins, who would have thought of that?? Read more about this cool idea here!

Favorite doggie costume...

Zebra Great Dane Costume

Coco will not be getting a costume this year (because she cannot behave trick or treating), but there is always hopes that one day she will be able to behave!  Fellow blog reader, Karla has an awesome Great Dane and I just wonder what sweet Ranger is going to be for Halloween! Karla, if you need any inspiration please check this out!

Favorite Family Costume...

This was difficult to narrow down because of all of the awesome creative people out there, but I finally found the perfect one....

70+ Outstanding Halloween Family Costumes You Should Use On Halloween Day

I have always wanted our family to do something creative like this, but it hasn't happened...yet!  I am still not giving up hope!   Check this out for more inspiration! And husband, if you're need to go ahead and see what you want to be next year for Halloween!

Favorite Halloween Read...

Image result for the little old lady who was not afraid of anything

The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams

Both Addison and Finn have loved this book and they love reenacting the book as we read! The book gets them moving around and we laugh and have fun while we read!  Get your copy here!

Favorite Halloween Song...

Witches Brew by Hap Palmer

I love celebrating the Holidays with a dance party with my kiddos! It is so fun dancing around the house with them as we get ready for work and school!  This is a great silly one that puts a smile on our faces!

Favorite Halloween Nails

7,047 Likes, 31 Comments - Beserk (@beserk) on Instagram: “Love these Tim Burton inspired Black & White striped nails on  @sokolum ”

I know that I couldn't pull this off, but if I could.... Maybe I'll try without the pointy nails?? Unsure, but check out all of these adorable ideas here!

Favorite Halloween Decorations...

DIY Floating Witch Hat Luminaries. Hocus Pocus Halloween Party Decorations & Ideas

Need I say more? How cute is this??  Next year you can see this on my front porch, but until then check out these adorable ideas here!

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Please comment your favorite Halloween things! Have a blessed and Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, October 23, 2017

The beauty of community...

It is Sunday evening at 5:30 and I have already prepared for Monday.  The lunchboxes are packed.  Dinner for Monday is prepped.  Clothes are neatly folded onto dressers complete with a clean pair of socks. Homework has been completed and signed. Backpacks are in their proper spot for Monday morning with a jacket neatly hung on the chair.  My children are loaded into the car along with my husband as we drive to life group.  Life group, because we love doing life with these people.

It all began over a year ago when I made my way to the home of the slightly older and wiser couple.  I was nervous.  I had not attended many "small groups" in my past, especially not alone.  My husband was needed at the church on the evening in which the first session of life group began and he took the children with him.  I knew the leaders.  They were a nice and friendly couple who were always encouraging.  Although, I did not know anyone else who would be there. What would be expected of me? I'm not a Biblical genius, I thought to myself.  I remembered growing up in Sunday School when I felt horrible about getting the answer wrong and those memories began to stab at me.  I arrived at a beautiful 2 story home and I was greeted warmly at the door.  Sitting on the couch was another couple of whom I had never seen before. They did not know me either, at least that makes two of us I thought...  The conversation that evening warmly flowed and I left with a connection to 4 other people and knowing more about each of them than I did when I entered the door.

As weeks turned into months, more and more people began to show up each week.  Parking began to become a problem, but no one seemed to mind as neighbors began to share their driveways, we began to creatively park in the yard and on the side of the road.  A deep bond was forming as we all began to do life with one another.  Even my children began to ask on Thursday evenings "Are we going to life group on Sunday?" "Is Mrs. Ceal going to have cookies? and if she has any left over can you please pack them in my lunch box?  Pleeeaaasee!"

Our little group has grown and decreased in size a couple of times over the past 13 months, but we have truly "done life" with one another.  We have been through births of grandchildren, moving homes across state lines, operations, sickness, vacations, financial problems, financial blessings, but one thing remains..
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25

We love meeting together, studying the Bible together and bearing one another's burdens.  We are quick to listen, slow to judge and our arms are always open to love.  When we "do life" together, we enjoy helping each other out.  Regardless if it is catching a rat while you are out of town, bringing a meal if you are sick and even offering to do laundry if your washing machine is out of order.  I love my community because I know that they "have my back" whenever I may need them.

God never intended for us to do life alone.  He knows that when we are alone that we are more susceptible to the attacks of the enemy.  When we have a community of people to help us along the way we are more capable of making clever decisions and seeking Biblical counsel. 

Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. Ephesians 4:15-16

My life group means so much to me.  I am thankful that we each have different strengths and come from different parts of the country and different backgrounds.  I am so thankful that God created this group from all different walks of life to study His word together and to have fun doing it! 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Friday Favorites 10/20/17

WOOT WOOT!!! Another holiday off ( NEW YEARS ) ✌️✌✌

Thank goodness it's Friday!!!

It has been a long week, even though my week involved a vacation (I love you fall break)! Getting back to reality was oh so hard!

Let's move on to my favorites for the week...shall we?

Favorite #1 : My Beach Read for the Week Raising Grateful Kids In An Entitled World by Kristen Welch. This by far is THE BEST parenting book that I have ever read.  I love Kristen's biblical perspective that we want to raise children who do not feel that they are entitled to everything.  This book encourages you and your family to "swim upstream" & to "live more grateful lives."

Favorite #2 New VW Atlas!!  This week involved an overnight drive to sunny beautiful my VW Passat! I love my VW! I love the sport mode, I love the gas mileage, but on a long trip..ughh! It tends to get packed quick.  My husband has been encouraging me to begin considering to trade before our next vacation (I really despise car shopping)!  Although while on vacation I saw a commercial for the new VW Atlas and I was in love. I assumed that it was waaay over my price range, but it was more affordable than I thought!

Favorite #3 Osh Kosh B'gosh!  This week my sweet Addison turned 11 years old. Sniff sniff!! We are in the unique tween stage and she is a little too old for Children's Place, but still too small for Amerian Eagle and Abercrombie. She longed for more adult looking clothes, but it was so hard!! So thankful that I stumbled upon Osh Kosh and their fall line! So cute!  I also got an amazing coupon!

Favorite #4 John Crist video!!! Need I say more??  See below and warning: you will laugh!!

Favorite #5 this shirt! I feel so very blessed to have one boy and one girl and it is challenging to find shirts that support us boy / girl moms! This one is perfect and if anyone is already shopping for my Christmas gifts....hint! hint!

This wraps up my favorites for this week!  Hope that you have enjoyed them!

Stay tuned for my posts next week where I will begin posting about our latest Florida vacation (including Disney pictures)!!!

To get the TGIF picture go here

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Women Who Inspire Me: Amanda

I remember first meeting Amanda two years ago.  I was at a dinner at my church for new guests who had been attending.  Amanda was also there, in her scrubs serving glasses of sweet tea and lemonade. She had worked all day and instead of going home and putting her feet up, she was there...making my day better along with others who had been invited to the dinner.

Amanda and I frequently ran into each other at women's Bible studies, she served at the coffee bar at our church and she is always there anytime the door of the church is open.  She is one of the most selfless people that I know.  And this is why Amanda inspires me....

Amanda works full time in the city, like me. She is also a single mother to 3 wonderful kids that she is doing a fantastic job raising as well as a college student.  Amanda continues to show Jesus to her kids on a daily basis, encouraging her daughter and sons to put Him first in their lives. She also is always the first one to always sign up to bring a meal to someone who needs it or to help with a Children's Ministry event.  Amanda always uses each minute of her time to better the lives of those around her.

Amanda is always the first one to pray for me whenever I am overwhelmed with life.  Amanda and I frequently talk on our commutes into the city and she is always quick to quote scripture or to always let me know that God is listening during difficult seasons of life.  I am so lucky to have her as a friend!

Amanda inspires me because I can always see Jesus in her, during good times and bad times she always shines the light of his love.  She is always quick to listen and slow to anger. She is a blessing in my life and she inspires me to show more of the love of Jesus wherever I go...

"Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.  She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed. Proverbs 31: 25-28A

Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday Favorites 10/6/17

Happy Friday!!!

I am so thankful that the weekend is here!!! 

It is time to get started with a few of my favorites!

Favorite #1: ANW Boutique

I have quickly become obsessed with online boutiques and I have purchased a couple of adorable items from ANW Boutique.

I mean, look at these adorable items for women

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and shoes

Image may contain: 1 person, standing

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Photo Credits:
Aubree, the owner is always so wonderful to work with and I have loved my items!!  Check out the boutique on Facebook!

Favorite #2 : Jeremy Camp "Can't Be Moved"

I heard this song a couple of days after the tragedy of Las Vegas.  I was encouraged by this line in the song:
" When everything in this world is falling
We have a kingdom that can't be moved."

Credit: You Tube

Check it out for yourself and see if you are also encouraged!!

Favorite #3: "Whisper" by Mark Batterson

Whisper: How to Hear the Voice of God  -     By: Mark Batterson
Photo Credit

My husband was blessed to be a part of Mark Batterson's promotional team to promote this book. He is quickly finishing it so that I can pick it up and begin reading it before the official release date and I cannot wait to get my hands on it. Hearing the voice of God is something that is often confusing to me, especially if I am not in the word like I should be.  Everything that Mark has published has been on my must read list and I am sure that this one will be no exception!

See you next week!!

Photo Credits: